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Les différences entre le couple pendant les rapports sexuels

Les différences entre le couple pendant les rapports sexuels!

Sexuality differ significantly between men and women, there are a series of physiological and psychological differences between the sexes, which form each look different from the other about intercourse, Find out in this article, the difference between men and women during sexual intercourse.

1.   The difference in the way of thinking

Women to seek intimacy to strengthen the emotional bonds between them and her husband, the man Fimars intimacy to satisfy the wishes first.

2.    Biological differences

  Sexual desire in men is much stronger than the desire of women, women going through many hormonal changes during the month, that reduce the desire to exercise intimacy, so the duo that supports the language of understanding and sincere dialogue to avoid problems caused by the difference in sexual desire, as can be trying the pair motivate his wife to have sexual intercourse through foreplay and sweet talk.

3.   Ecstasy

   Women need longer time than men to reach orgasm, so, the pair are advised to control premature ejaculation, to give his wife enough time to reach orgasm.

4.    Behind the sexual intercourse reasons

 The man is not practiced intercourse for a specific purpose, but whose sole purpose is fun, but women have practiced intimacy for certain reasons, such as a sense of security and safety, closer to the pair more, reproduction, feeling as attractive and desirable.

5. Women are attracted to a man's personality while men are attracted to her body

Once men feel thrilled to look at certain areas in the body of his wife, while women are attracted to the character of her husband.

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